Doctor Life

    Doctor Life-ProbioFlora Probiotecs For Women


    Doctor Life-ProbioFlora Probiotecs For Women


    ProbioFlora Women Probiotics for Women 14 Strains & 4 Prebiotics | 60 capsules

    ProbioWomen is a synbiotic preparation developed for the specific needs of women, including the maintenance of an appropriate vaginal microflora. The unique composition of 15 bacterial strains has been carefully developed based on scientific research and is delivered to the intestine in a DRcaps capsule, which protects it against the effects of stomach acids. High efficiency is due to the uniquely selected proportion of documented and perfectly balanced strains with a potential of up to 80 billion ordinary unprotected bacteria that are reduced in the section between the stomach and the pancreas. We have carefully selected the different types in the right ratio of quantity and quality to best suit different areas of health and the needs of the majority of the population who eat a poor and processed diet and antibiotics. We have provided an increased amount of valuable strains important for women's health, such as L.crispatus, B. infantis, B. reuteri, which in most people are colonized by other bacteria.

    Scientifically proven and well-balanced probiotic bacteria support many health areas such as the reproductive system, immune system, emotional health, energy, sealing of cell membranes, skin health, gut health and digestion. The mixture of Probio Women contains specially selected probiotic bacteria, including Lactobaciluus crispatus and L.gasseri, which are the natural vaginal microbiome. Their presence ensures the appropriate pH and the correct biofilm necessary to maintain the acidic environment of the epithelium, thus protecting against inflammation, fungal infections and pregnancy health. B.lactis is the best documented probiotic of the genus Bifidobacterium. B.lactis naturally inhabits the genital tract, being an important factor in ensuring proper colonization for the newborn during delivery. Moreover, B.lactis, unlike other probiotics, produces acetic acid, which is more effective than lactic acid in fighting molds or yeasts that attack the sexual system. B.longum has antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties, favorably affecting current inflammation. B.infantis has been extensively studied for its immunoregulatory effects on epithelial cells and lymphocytes.

    B. Bifidum modulates the balance of microflora by producing lactic acid, maintains the appropriate pH which is harmful to pathogens. B. bifidum improves immunity, has an immunoregulatory effect, and reduces the concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α. Lactobacillus plantarum prevents mycosis and bacterial inflammation. B.reuteri reduces the activity of pathogens and has an immunostimulating effect by inducing IFN-gamma. Lactobacillus gasseri lives naturally in the genitourinary system and, according to studies, it helps reduce menstrual pain in women with endometriosis. Studies indicate that gasseri is associated with a reduced risk of preterm labor and is antagonistic to vaginal pathogens such as Candida albicans, Neisseria gonorrhea and Trichomonas vaginalis. L. Helveticus has immune regulating properties, its beneficial effects are particularly useful in the presence of inflammation. B. Breve is important for the microbiota of children and infants, its presence prevents infection with E. Coli. Moreover, the probiotic bacterium B. Breve has an immunomodulatory effect. L. Fermentum has an antioxidant effect, ensures the health of the reproductive system by protecting against Candida and Gardnerella vaginalis infections. L. Salivarius protects against diseases of the genitourinary system, inhibits the development of pathogens such as Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Neisseria gonorrhea, Candida. Casei and Paracasei stop the colonization of E. Coli, Candida, anti-inflammatory, restore the natural microbiota. In immunocompromised people, the intake of L. casei improves the activity of immune cells (NK) and the anti-inflammatory effect of cytokines.

    An important element of the Probio Women Doctor Life preparation is the unique prebiotic mixture enriching them with as many as 4 types of prebiotics supporting the healthy colonization of the bacteria used. Prebiotics contained in the formula, in addition to nutritional properties and supporting healthy colonization, have a positive effect on


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