
    Mira-Natural Lavender Fragrance Oil 5ml


    Mira-Natural Lavender Fragrance Oil 5ml


    The glass bottle contains essential oil obtained from lavender. The wooden cork is soaked in a wonderful aroma, thanks to which the aroma is released gradually and lasts for a longer period of time. Perfect for a car, office or home.

    Natural lavender essential oil, in addition to its wonderful fragrance, also exhibits aromatherapeutic properties. According to available publications in the field of aromatherapy, it has a calming effect and soothes the effects of fatigue. Additionally, it has an antidepressant effect and helps with insomnia.

    HOW TO USE: unscrew the wooden cap, remove the protection and screw the product back on. During the first use, tilt the jar for a few seconds to soak the wooden cap. Repeat the activity from time to time according to your preferences, to obtain the appropriate intensity of the aroma. Check the tightness of the jar from time to time. Do not use on the skin. The product may cause an allergic reaction. Shake the jar every now and then. The sediment is part of the fluid.

    NOTE: The photo shows the product in a new layout. It may happen that a product is shipped with the old layout.

    Capacity: 5

    measurement unit: ml

    Type: air freshener



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