Elizabeth Arden

    Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Deodorant Roll-on 40ml


    Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Deodorant Roll-on 40ml


    Elizabeth Arden Green Tea fragrances are a breath of natural morning freshness for your soul. An exotic mixture of aromatic shoots, herbs and citrus stimulates and motivates to action. Natural ingredients are a source of harmony and energy.

    Green Tea fragrances are fragrances perfect for everyday use. They are quite subtle and sloppy, making them the perfect companions in your daily duties.

    Fragrance Notes:

    Base note : amber, celery seeds, clove (spice), cumin, green tea, jasmine, musk, oak moss
    Bath Line : roll-on deodorant
    Capacity : 40
    Head note : bergamot, lemon, mint, Orange peel, rhubarb
    Heart note : carnation, fennel, jasmine, musk, oak moss, white amber
    measurement unit : ml
    Sex : woman



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