Bruno Banani

    Bruno Banani Magic Man Deodorant Spray 75ml


    Bruno Banani  Magic Man Deodorant Spray 75ml


    Bruno Banani Magic Man deodorant spray is a charming masculine fragrance that mesmerizes and seduces. Stimulating the senses of gin is combined with the intriguing aromas of Somali incense and Guatemalan cardamom, emphasized by the sensual accents of cocoa, pecan and alpine violet. The charismatic character of the whole is emphasized by Indonesian patchouli and slightly sharper wood chords. The scent of bruno banani Magic Man is perfect for charming and self-confident men who keep a distance to each other.

    • Woody and spicy deodorant spray for Him

    • The perfect fragrance for men full of charm and energy

    • Chords of gin and cardamom contrast with touches of cocoa and patchouli

    • Aromatic fragrance that magnetizes with its mysterious charm

    • Deodorant available in a 75 ml bottle

    Bath Line : deodorant spray
    Capacity : 75
    measurement unit : ml
    Sex : man


    Bruno Banani

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