La Casa de los Aromas

    La casa de los aromas-Lavender fragrance oil for humidifiers 15ml


    La casa de los aromas-Lavender fragrance oil for humidifiers 15ml


    Essential oils are compositions of many ingredients, most of which are of synthetic origin with the addition of fragrance enhancers. Their task is to revive, inspire, stimulate the senses, improve well-being and increase positive sensations by surrounding oneself with a pleasant fragrance tailored to your needs. Fragrance oils are mainly used to aromatize the room through humidifiers. By spraying pleasant aromas, they will make the interior and any environment more pleasant.

    Lavender-scented essential oil activates the hormones responsible for the feeling of happiness. Its fragrance calms, relaxes and soothes the tired body and mind, also reducing stress.

    Capacity: 15

    measurement unit: ml

    Type: air freshener



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